FengShui: The Power, The Magic...

Let us analyze historical data to prove the existence of Chinese feng shui numerology and its accuracy. Since 2004, I published on the Internet(Chinese Websites) a lot about feng shui and natural disasters, feng shui and finance related to accurate prediction.

Now I will list some of my articles and I have translated them into English, as some of Chinese interpretation of Feng Shui may not be fully translated into English, if there are grammatical errors please forgive me for my poor English.


"Taiwan election vs US election"

It is not surprising that today Taiwan’s election green party(DPP) has turned into a blue. You should remember that I have been emphasizing one thing in the past 20 years: Taiwan elections and US elections are connected. What will happen to the United States, Taiwan will be exactly the same. If Taiwan has any results, the United States will be exactly the same. It’s no surprise that Trump lost the House in 2018 election, and I also know that the Taiwan green Party(DPP) will lose. Because Trump and Tsai Ing-wen made the same mistake, they don’t know the the people are suffering. This is wake-up call for Taiwan DPP and the US Republican Party for the 2020 presidential election because they have to understand that the people will use ballots to determine their fate.

Trump used the long-term low-interest rate economic results of the Obama era to show off how good the economy is, and how low the unemployment rate is. This is like the George W. Bush era using Clinton's economic results to show off, within a few years George W. Bush turn a profitable US government into a debt-ridden US government. Trump’s tariff-adjusting economic policy is doomed to be unsuccessful. Tsai Ing-wen’s Alienation of mainland China policy has failed. The result of this election is the best proof!

The United States is a country, not a company. Trump’s move is very dangerous. It is gamble for the entire American people. If the gambling loses, the entire American people's have to pay the heavy price. It is not surprising that Ford Motor Company lost $1 billion because of Trump’s 25% tax increase. Many large domestic companies in the United States will have to lay off employees because of Trump’s tax increases.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
November 23, 2018

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"Stay away from the stock market, cash is king"

Many Trump supporters say that the trade war is not Trump want to start it. Well, I just want to say :"no Trump no trade war". No one win in trade war, United States economic is NOT that good like Trump think. If US imports are larger than exports, then it is necessary to strengthen exports of high-tech, energy and military products.

End of this year the stock market will be up and down like a roller coaster. If you have a heart problems, don't touch the stock. Trump has always believed that the United States remains the world's largest superpower. This is a very dangerous signal, because today's United States is no longer the United States 30 years ago.

The United States is a country, not a company. Trump’s move is very dangerous. It is gamble for the entire American people. If the gambling loses, the entire American people's have to pay the heavy price. It is not surprising that Ford Motor Company lost $1 billion because of Trump’s 25% tax increase. Many large domestic companies in the United States will have to lay off employees because of Trump’s tax increases.

Members of the Republican Party in the mid-term election this year should be cut off with Trump. Act together to fight against Trump trade war, only then will you have the opportunity to keep your seats. You should remember that I told you that Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has made Taiwan so mess, and the United States will be as chaotic as Taiwan.

I have not felt surprised that the US stocks have plummeted in the last two weeks. This is what I expected. The global economic collapse is an inevitable fact, because the 10-year cycle has arrived and no one can change.
Remember: "Stay away from the stock market, cash is king"!

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
October 24, 2018

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The U.S. President has finally launched a trade war against China

Today, The U.S. President Donald Trump has finally launched a trade war against China. The nightmare of the US stock market will begin. Today, the stock market crashed 724 points to prove it all. In fact, every wise president will know that it is not worth fighting for trade wars, but Trump likes to take risks. American shareholders have a hard time.

One thing that I have not wanted to say for a long time is that the financial crisis caused by the United States will surely happen this year. Trump is the fuse. If you look at how chaotic Taiwan is today, you will imagine how chaotic the United States will be in the future.

In the mid-term elections for the United States, the Republican Party must be devastated. Clever Republican congressmen: Take action against Trump if you can, otherwise you will become a "burial item" under Trump policy. The American people should wake up. Trump will make your uneasy life become more unstable.

May God bless everyone.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
MARCH 23, 2018

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